Saturday, June 11, 2011

Super 8 review

It sounds contrite, but true, that J.J. Abrams has written and directed a really great movie.  Some have said it's the E.T. of our generation and I definitely agree, but that should not be viewed as a bad thing.  Abrams has been quoted in saying that he makes movies that he would like to see and, in turn, he has created a movie that the world should also see.

"Super 8" has humor, intrigue, suspense, and is full of heart.  The cast of children have great chemistry together and the viewer can easily believe that they all have been friends for their entire lives.  It's a period piece where every detail has had that personal touch to take you to the world being presented to the viewer.  While there were a few slow parts and predictable scenes that every movie cannot avoid, the rest is filled with fantastic action scenes filled with impeccable special effects and powerful emotional scenes that tear at the heart strings.  4 out of 5 stars.