Monday, May 9, 2016

Captain America: Civil War [2016] review

"Captain America:  Civil War" definitely felt like Winter Solider 2.0 to me which isn't bad.  I loved Winter Solider more upon subsequent viewings so I expect the same for this film. 

At first pass, it felt sad. I knew going in the good guys would be divided and I looked forward to those actions scenes, but at the end of the day, you don't want to see your "friends" fighting. You want to see the good guys fighting the bad guys. It didn't feel like anyone won in the film, but that they all lost, especially when the movie ended with Bucky going back on ice.

Other thoughts:
 Where was Vision during the battle against Crossbones? Did they say Crossbones in the movie? If they did, it must of been during the chaos of the first act and I missed it.

 I didn't like the use of the shaky cam with all the action going on in the first act. While on the vehicles, maybe, but once off the vehicles I would have preferred a more steady shot, but during the part with Black Widow it seemed like the camera was just shaking just to make the scene more intense for someone with no "powers".

 So did Bucky remember Steve in their first scene together? Was Bucky aware of his actions when he was brainwashed or not? Was there just brainwashed and non-brainwashed Bucky or was their a third personality? I wasn't sure when we were dealing with what Bucky especially since we were getting a lot of his back story which I think was the point. I think this will definitely help with future viewings.

 Tony Stark was funny, but not as funny as Tony normally was in other films. Not only were he and Pepper on a break, but he was fighting with his best friend. Then when you think things are looking up they hit you with the twist.

 Spider-man was great. I thought it was really good that the movie took the time to have the Tony/Peter scene in his bedroom before throwing him into the fray. Very smart and very well done. Once he appeared in his suit, I think he acted accordingly and was very true to the character. One of the best exchanges was between him and Steve about him having a lot of heart and booth of them mentioning where they were from (Brooklyn/Queens connection).

 Everything Ant-Man was very funny and the trick up his sleeve took me by surprise and I was smiling the whole time. I'm glad that it wasn't spoiled in the trailers.

 The end scene where you thought Captain America might decapitate Iron Man and then left behind the shield that his father made for him. Very powerful scene and very well done.