Friday, August 9, 2019

The Predator [2018] review

I'm trying to think of something positive to say, but this movie was a mess. Nothing was explained / made much sense, everyone was over acting, Olivia Munn continues to showcase her lack of acting ability and also happens to be a combat biologist?, the main cast's plot armor was strong until the third act, the Predator dogs really had no point, and the mcguffin at the end to set up a sequel? was just a hot mess. There was an excessive amount of cursing that didn't bother me too much probably because the script/acting was so bad. I didn't mind the gore but the way it was used in the first movie was like, "Oh I can't believe they just killed [blank]; no one is safe." Well, spoiler alert, it turns out in this movie that everyone was safe until the third act so no stakes equals weak movie. Of the Predator franchise, I'd probably rank this one as the worst.