Monday, December 31, 2018

Men in Black II [2002] review

Most of the humor of this movie falls flat.  I think I maybe chuckled twice at two of J's lines and none of K's.  Tommy Lee Jones just looks tired in this movie as anyone would be who was forced out of retirement into the crazy world of aliens and other creatures.  

Lara Flynn Boyle and a two headed Johnny Knoxville add very little to the story and this movies' villain is very lack luster compared to the menacing bug of the original.

Rosario Dawson is cute, but clueless.  The final chase scene is hollow and a means to attempt to probably wake up the audience who has been asleep for the last hour.

This movie is not worth revisiting and I hope the writers of the next MiB take notes from this one on what not to do for their movie.  1 out of 5 stars.

Honorable mention:  Forgot about the Michael Jackson cameo and my wife questioning if it was really him.