Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Cobra Kai Season 2 [2019] review

Johnny - I appreciated what we got concerning his growth and his path, unfortunately, the show decided to put a little more focus on the children this season and of course John Kreese's underlying arc was always looming in the background and ultimately bit him in the butt in the end. He's now lost everything - his best student, his potential girlfriend aka Miguel's mom, and even his dojo. The little tease on the end with Ali was fine, but this tiny seed won't grow unless we get a third season and if Elisabeth Shue is on board which both are uncertain at this time. I wish we had gotten a little bit more. We know he's trying his best, but it just wasn't enough this season. So we got to see his rise in Season 1 and I guess Season 2 was about seeing his fall.

Daniel - He also falls and fails this season. He fails his wife and business, but fixes that, at least his wife. He loses a salesman, but overall it's family that's most important so that's what he focuses on. Unfortunately he ends up failing his daughter and his dojo. He's forced to put it all away...for now.

Miguel / Robby / Samantha - I was really hoping Samantha was going to move on, but she still had feelings for Miguel as her feelings for Robby grew. The love triangle turned into a rectangle when they introduced Tory. She was very one dimensional, so I didn't care for her. I did hate Yasmine from Season 1, and I kind of wondered why they didn't develop her role, but I guess the writers didn't want a "rich" girl turned villain, and decided to have a new character that was "less fortunate".

Honorable mention: The Anthony Russo character had two scenes I believe. Thank you, writers, for including him sparingly.

Overall, everything else with Cobra Kai was a little disappointing. Johnny tried to put his students on the right path following the events of the tournament, but John Kreese was manipulating from the background, so they didn't grow. They became a bunch of bullies, and now they're back in the hand of Kreese so Johnny giving up and walking away was also disappointing. Obviously, it'll be a fight for another day and with the loss of Miguel (for now), I guess Johnny just didn't have the heart, which broke mine. Miguel was the only one to learn from Johnny, but his moment of weakness put him in his coma, so I feel he's just going from good, to bad, to worse.