Monday, November 16, 2015

Spy [2015] review

Another Melissa McCarthy movie where instead of being a bridesmaid, cop, identify thief, or grand daughter to Susan Sarandon, she's a spy (obviously).  It's pretty much what you'd expect.  If you like her and her style of over the top insults, then you'll like this movie.  If you don't, then don't waste your time. 

I thought it wasn't bad and found myself quoting some of the lines a few hours later, but it's pretty much gone now.  Her co-star from Bridesmaids (Rose Byrne) was one of the antagonists, and I liked how they played off each other. 

Other observations:  It was odd hearing Jude Law with an American accent.  Jason Statham should stick to action and stay out of comedies.  Annoying British character (Miranda Hart) acting surprised when doing a simple task is annoying.